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TitleAssemblyman Leland Yee - BACK ISSUES

Richmond Review/Sunset Beacon
Serving the Richmond and Sunset Districts

California Sen. Leland Yee

New Laws for the New Year - January 2014
A call for accountability - July 2011

I'll fight school cuts, help business - June 2011

Annual Health Fair - May 2011
Prepare for an Emergency - April 2011
Budget Cuts Not the Answer - February 2011
Golfer Policy Out of Bounds - November 2008
Autumn Moon Festival Coming - September 2008
Autumn Moon Festival Coming - August 2008
Health Care System in Crisis - June 2008
Protecting Domestic Violence Victims - May 2008
PUC's New Energy Bill - March 2008
Honoring Congressman Tom Lantos - February 2008
Mental Wellness Month - January 2008
Eleven Bills Signed into Law - December 2007
Improvements for 19th Avenue - November 2007
Autumn Moon Festival - September 2007
The Future of Health Care in CA - May 2007
Cut Surprise Medical Bills - April 2007

Improve Student Success - March 2007
My Office is at Your Service - February 2007
Safety Begins at Home - December 2006
Men Can Help Prevent Violence - October 2006
Renewable Energy, Voting Rights - August 2006
Let's end domestic violence - January 2006
Year-end Legislative Wrap-up - December 2005
Chinese Custom Continues - September 2005
19th Avenue Bill Passes Hurdle - August 2005
NLRA Anniversary, Nail Salons - July 2005

What Is Your Child Eating? - June 2005
Protecting the Farallon Islands - May 2005
Update on Legislative Issues - April 2005
Gov.'s Budget "Sequel" a Flop - Feburary 2005
We Need to Help Our Friends - January 2005
Safer Streets for the Holidays - December 2004
Future of Medicine Conference - November 2004
Stop Raiding Local Sales Taxes - September 2004
Celebrate ADA's Anniversary - August 2004
Protecting our Beaches - July 2004
Fighting Human Trafficking - June 2004
Improving 19th Avenue Safety - May 2004
Protecting Our Homes, Families - April 2004
APA Leadership: Now is the Time - March 2004
Feng Shui: Living in Harmony with the Environment - February 2004

January is 'Mental Wellness' Month - January 2004
Holiday Safety Begins at Home
- December 2003
Identity Theft - the Fight Starts Locally - November 2003
Support Local Business - November 2003
Saving the Park Windmills - October 2003
AB504: Respect for Parks, Open Spaces - September 2003
Budget Revision: Right Direction? - June 2003
Update on Bills Concerning Schools - May 2003
System Failing Needy Children - April 2003
Women in State Legislatures - March 2003

Tackling the Budget Deficit - January 2003

Continuing to Serve - December 2002
Parkside Library Must Meet Neighbors' Demands - November 2002
Support the CEDAW Treaty - September 2002
Presidio Housing - July 2002
Temporary Fees Become New Tax - June 2002
Local Schools Are a Matter of Survival - May 2002
Cycling in the City - April 2002
Do You Get What You Voted For? - RR February 2002
The Presidio - A Better Vision s- RR January 2002
It's Not Pavement Art - SB January 2002
Thanks to You, Sunset A Better Place to Live - SB December 2001

It's Time to Build Parkside School - SB November 2001
Energy Fair Can be a Benefit to All of Us - RR October2001
We Must Preserve Stern Grove - SB September 2001