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May 2013
Note: For additional stories about the west side of San Francisco, see the new issue of the Sunset Beacon.

City holds first budget meeting in Richmond; deficits forecast
It is not clear exactly if the good news balances out the bad when it comes to the City's new budget, as recently announced by Mayor Ed Lee.

Alexandria Theater project OK'd
Developers for the Alexandria Theater project at 18th Avenue and Geary Boulevard went before the SF Planning Com­mission on April 25 to modify their plan to build housing and commercial space at the site.

Roosevelt students run for health; clean beach
Roosevelt Middle School is preparing a school-wide event for its second annual Restoration Run, a 5-kilometer event spanning most of the Great Highway from Lincoln Way to Sloat Boulevard as a way to encourage physical activity and involvement in the community.

Mexican Restaurant still serving neighborhood cheer after 50 years
In April of 1963, John Kennedy was president, the Beatles met the Rolling Stones for the first time, the movie "Lawrence of Arabia" won the Best Picture Oscar and on the 23rd of that month, the restaurant Tia Margarita opened on Clement Street at 19th Avenue.

Tattoos are for everybody; not just for sailors, bikers
Picture Machine Tattoo has been an iconic business on Geary Boulevard since founder Pat Martynuik first opened up the shop in 1976.

Students learn love of history
The National History Day (NHD) contest aims to provide students with an engaging, relevant and empowering academic experience. Hundreds of California students compete among thousands of students nationwide and within United States' territories. The contest is a highly competitive, top-tier program centered on a rigorous examination of U.S. history.

Presidio named 'distinguished school'
Presidio Middle School and Lowell High School were named California Distinguished Schools by California Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson in early April. There were only 218 public schools statewide to earn the honor.

Washington H.S. honors 3 alumni
The George Washington High School (GWHS) Alumni Association will induct three "distinguished alumni" into its Hall of Merit in May. They are: Noah Griffin, class of spring 1963, a public policy/affairs advisor, newspaper columnist, radio host, inspirational speaker, lyricist and vocalist; Dr. Melvin Heyman, class of fall 1967, a researcher, professor and practitioner recognized worldwide as an expert in pediatric gastrointenterology; and Irving Tragen, class of spring 1939, who had more than 50 years of service in diplomacy with the Organization of American States and U.S. Department of State, and held posts throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.


Capt. Sharon Ferrigno: Police Beat

Supervisor Eric Mar: City Hall update