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March 2013
Note: For additional stories about the west side of San Francisco, see the new issue of the Sunset Beacon.

Changes proposed for bus routes in Richmond District
Significant changes to bus lines traveling through the Richmond District are proposed by the San Francisco Planning Department and the SF Municipal Transportation Authority (Muni) in a recently-released "Initial Study of the Transit Effectiveness Program (TEP)."

Presidio-based organization helps protect environment
The mission statement of the Watershed Stewards Project (WSP), located at the Presidio, is to conserve, restore and enhance anadromous watersheds for future generations by linking education with high-quality scientific practices.

Author's new 'Tales for Children' not child-friendly
Alien invasions. Man-eating trolls. Ghosts, genies and the undead. Perhaps these are not what most readers would expect when cracking open a book titled "Practical Tales for Children and Other Stories" - until they notice the box on the cover that reads: "Warning: Not for Children."

Quilters' labor of love helps keep local non-profits going
Susan Danielson is a long-time Richmond District resident and the former owner of the Lazy Susan, which was located on Clement Street. She was also the former president of the Clement Street Merchants Association.

Bird count results suggest effects of global warming on local populations
The results of the annual Audubon Society Bird Count suggest local bird populations are facing the effects of global warming, and some species are facing extirpation.

Sierra Club joins lawsuit over athletic fields
The Sierra Club has joined a lawsuit charging the City of San Francisco with failing to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in its proposed Beach Chalet athletic fields project.


Capt. Sharon Ferrigno: Police Beat

Supervisor Eric Mar: City Hall update