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June 2013
Note: For additional stories about the west side of San Francisco, see the new issue of the Sunset Beacon.

Community leaders want to 'brand' Richmond District
An economic summit was held in May to find ways to draw more people into the Richmond District as a way of supporting the local economy and filling some of the dozens of empty storefronts that have sprouted up since the recession hit several years ago.

Coastal Commission OK's synthetic turf, lights
Opponents of the proposed athletic field renovation in Golden Gate Park felt hopeful just before lunch at a recent meeting of the California Coastal Commission; so later that afternoon they were stunned when the Commission voted unanimously to green-light the SF Recreation and Park Department's (RPD) plan for synthetic turf and night-time lighting.

City yanks 2 Richmond massage parlor permits
The SF Department of Public Health (DPH) has yanked the operating permit of a Richmond District massage business on 12th Avenue and suspended the permit of another on Eighth Avenue.

Author's new book takes unabashed look at hoarding
Small towns have dirty, hidden secrets. First-time author Sue Whitmer goes deep inside of her own family's household turmoil to create the novel "Collecting Stories" to try to make sense of what is was like to live with a hoarder - her mother.

Tech-savvy teenagers tackle hi-tech technical challenges
For adults and seniors with questions about computers or electronic devices at the Richmond and West Portal branch libraries, the Teen Computer Corp and Teen Technology Assistance Program offers help.

'Gypsy' sings of love over fear, emphasizes positive over negative
In times of crisis, it is difficult to see any good that might come from tragedy. It is in precisely such times, however, that faith in love is most important because it is often the best response to fear, and Gypsy Love knows this.

Local Asian-American artists display work honoring ancestry
Local Asian American women artists Shizue Seigel and Choppy Oshiro showcased artworks at the "underCurrents and the Quest for Space" arts exhibition at the SOMArts Cultural Center held in May during Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Adams sharpened photo skills in Outer Richmond District
Ansel Adams, a Richmond neighborhood kid who grew up with a view of the Golden Gate before the building of the bridge, due to the fame he achieved, became a San Francisco historical icon and national star photographer who helped save the natural places he learned to cherish from early on.


Capt. Sharon Ferrigno: Police Beat

Supervisor Eric Mar: City Hall update