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November 2011

Note: For additional stories about the west side of San Francisco, see the new issue of the Sunset Beacon.

Police Blotter/Richmond Roundup/Letters to Editor

Balboa Theater saved, long-term lease signed
The Balboa Theater has been saved.

Golden Gate Park bicycle lanes get unanimous OK
The SF Recreation and Park Commission voted unanimously in October to approve the John F. Kennedy Drive Separated Bikeways project for implementation in January 2012.

Battle over rooftop cell phone antennae near school
A fight has erupted between two Jewish organizations over the installation of cell phone antennae.

Soccer field plan would have significant impacts
The San Francisco Planning Department released a long-awaited Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Beach Chalet Athletic Field Renovation on Wednesday, Oct. 26.

Prescriptions at Walgreens could end
Some west side neighbors may no longer be able to use Walgreens drugstores after Dec. 31 of this year if they participate in prescription drug programs run by Express Scripts, Inc. (ESI).

Richmond author documents space race: facts and fantasy
Her family can trace ancestors back to pioneers that settled around the Eugene Oregon area in the 1840s, and she grew up with a strong sense of western lore. As a child, however, author Megan Prelinger's earliest memories were of the Apollo moon landings on television, plus episodes of "Gunsmoke" and "Star Trek."

Couple works as a team to help neighborhood businesses thrive
Geary Boulevard is one of the city's major thoroughfares. It starts downtown at Union Square and goes westbound all the way to Ocean Beach. To have a shop along this merchant corridor is to feel the pulse of the City's economic life.

Capt. Keith Sanford: Police Beat

Supervisor Eric Mar: City Hall