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November 2010

Note: For additional stories about the west side of San Francisco, see the new issue of the Sunset Beacon.

Police Blotter/Richmond Roundup/Letters to the Editor

Outer Balboa St. slated for makeover

The section of Balboa Street between 35th and 39th avenues is going to get a makeover sometime next year, with more trees, plant boxes and parking spaces.

Richmond residents want to terminate Clement bus line at 33rd Ave.

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency representatives got an earful of complaints at a community meeting on Oct. 6 about the change in bus service to the Muni #2 Clement Street bus line. It travels from Clement to downtown, to Sutter and Sansome streets in the Financial District, and then loopsback.

Filmmaker's new short film leaves audience laughing

Maybe filmmaker Gretchen Olivero's taste in film, which leans toward the dark side, was initially shaped by repeated viewings of "The Godfather" and "The Godfather: Part II," while growing up in Chowchilla, a small town "dead center in California," she says.

District 2 candidates make pitch for votes at PAR meeting

Six candidates seeking to represent District 2 in the SF Board of Supervisors race went before a meeting of the Planning Association for the Richmond (PAR) Oct. 20 to present their platforms and views in an effort to garner votes and support.

Local man releases new book, wins poetry prize

Dean Rader vividly remembers the moment he fell in love with poetry. As a sophomore in college, he recalls opening an anthology of poems penned by W.S. Merwin and James Wright.



Capt. Richard Corriea: Police Beat

Supervisor Eric Mar: City Hall

Bert Hill: Goal - World-class transit

Brian Larkin: 'Talk is cheap.'