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March 2010

Note: For additional stories about the west side of San Francisco, see the new issue of the Sunset Beacon.

Police Blotter/Richmond Roundup/Letters to the Editor

Jimmy fights to keep old car picnic, charity fundraiser

On Feb. 18, the San Francisco Recreation and Park Commission postponed making a decision on an appeal before them that will decide the fate of a 21-year-old charity event in Golden Gate Park.

Richmond District named by early pioneer

In early 2009, thanks to the efforts of local historian John Freeman and District 1 Supervisor Eric Mar, San Francisco's Richmond District officially reclaimed its name. The SF Board of Supervisors passed ordinance 36-09 on March 3, 2009, to designate the neighborhood bounded by Arguello Boulevard, Ocean Beach, Lake Street and Fulton Street, the Richmond District.

Remodeled City College's John Adams Campus completed

The John Adams Campus of the City College of San Francisco has finished a major renovation that was initiated in 2003.

Rare birds missing in annual count

This year's annual Audubon Society Bird Count and Great Backyard Bird Count have once again left local birders with unanswered questions and concerns.

New school student assignment process proposed

Elementary and middle school families would be offered a school near their homes under a plan submitted by schools' Superintendent Carlos Garcia to the Board of Education in February.

Roosevelt School wins award

Three west side schools have been recognized for raising the test scores of its low income students


Paul Kozakiewicz:District elections are a failure

Capt. Richard Corriea: Police Beat

Supervisor Eric Mar: New plans for Alexandria

Assemblywoman Fiona Ma: Tackling health disparities

John M. Lee: Real Estate Market Update