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December 2010

Note: For additional stories about the west side of San Francisco, see the new issue of the Sunset Beacon.

Police Blotter/Richmond Roundup/Letters to the Editor

City denies church's plan for new hall

Leaders at the Canaan Lutheran Church are reviewing their options after the city's Planning Department rejected their application to convert two residential units into a large meeting hall for church members.

Moonlight Orchestra rocks

In the sounds of Moonlight Orchestra, strains of rock, blues and classical music are audible because the band draws upon all three musical genres to create its music.

Presidio discovery sheds new light on early inhabitants

Presidio archaeologists are shedding light on San Francisco's early Spanish colonial pioneers after a major find this summer.

Top-flight chef always in motion

It's about an hour into dinner service on a Thursday night at Aziza, a Moroccan-influenced contemporary cuisine restaurant in the Richmond with a growing reputation for innovation.

PUC seeks feedback about GG Park water treatment plant

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (PUC) will be holding workshops and considering alternatives to a proposed water recycling plant to be built in the west end of Golden Gate Park, near the Murphy Windmill and the Beach Chalet soccer fields. There is significant opposition to the plan.


Capt. Richard Corriea: Police Beat

Supervisor Eric Mar: City Hall