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Police Blotter

Graffiti Vandalism, Arrest Made: Feb. 2, 9:50 p.m., 41st Avenue
A passenger on a bus notified police about four juvenile males who were using a felt-tip marker to write graffiti on the bus. The juveniles exited the bus at 41st Avenue. When officers arrived on the scene, they witnessed one of the suspects writing graffiti on a garage door. The suspect who was writing the graffiti was cited on a vandalism charge. The three other youths were released into the custody of their parents.

Numerous Driving while Intoxicated Arrests: Between Feb. 3 and Feb. 12, Night Patrol, Various Locations
A concerted effort was put forth by the Richmond Station to crack down on drunk driving. At various locations, officers on the night shift made 13 arrests of people driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI). Ten of the arrests were made between 12:30 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. The drivers had committed a variety of traffic violations, including speeding, driving without headlights and rolling through red lights, which were observed by the officers. Subsequent traffic stops led to their being arrested on a DUI charge.

Armed Robbery: Feb. 11, 9 p.m., Clay and Scott Streets
A woman was walking near Clay and Scott streets when the suspect approached. The suspect pointed a handgun at the victim and demanded her purse. The victim threw the purse at the suspect, who grabbed it before fleeing southbound on Scott Street. The investigation is ongoing.

Burglary: Feb. 12, 12 p.m., 200 Block of Balboa Street
Two suspects entered a business and spent about five minutes in the store before leaving without making a purchase. After the suspect departed, the victim discovered that her wallet had been taken from her purse. The victim immediately called her credit card company, which informed her that a purchase had just been made at a nearby business. The woman went to the nearby store and discovered that the suspects who used the card were the same ones who had been in her store earlier. The suspects were already gone when the victim arrived. The investigation is ongoing.

Auto Boosting, Possession of Stolen Property: Feb. 2, 4:40 p.m., Geary Boulevard and 18th Avenue
Officers observed two men walking through traffic. They approached a vehicle that had no license plate and opened the rear hatch. The officers detained the two men and ran the vehicle's identification number in the state's database. When the vehicle came up reported stolen from Los Angeles, the two suspects, who were both from out of state, were arrested.

Indecent Exposure: Feb. 3, 7:40 p.m., Geary Boulevard and Park Presidio Boulevard
A call came into police dispatch about a man who was exposing himself in a bus shelter. When the first officer arrived on the scene, he witnessed the suspect exposed with his pants down. When the suspect saw the officer, he started running eastbound on Geary Boulevard. The suspect tried to hide in some bushes but officers located him and made the arrest. Further investigation determined the man had been arrested on indecent exposure charges in two other cities.

Grand Theft Robbery: Feb. 5, 1 p.m., Balboa Street and 34th Avenue
A Richmond Station officer called for backup when three male suspects grabbed an iPod from a student and started fleeing. Two of the suspects were immediately detained, while the third suspect was apprehended on a Muni bus at Balboa Street and Seventh Avenue. The victim said one of the suspects grabbed his iPod out of his jacket pocket and took off running. When the iPod fell, another suspect picked it up. Two of the suspects were truants from a high school in the East Bay and the third is not currently enrolled in school. Two of the youths were charged with grand theft and the third was released to a family member.

Burglary: Feb. 1, Between 9:30 and 10:15 a.m., 500 Block of 24th Avenue
An unknown suspect(s) gained entry into a home, possibly via an unlocked front door, and stole jewelry and a lap top computer from one of the bedrooms before fleeing.

False Impersonation: Various Locations and Dates and Times
A man who claims to be affiliated with the Richmond YMCA was asking anyone near the Y to give him money in an apparent scam. The man said his name was "Vince" and the Y referred him to them because he had locked his keys in the car and needed money to take mass transit to Marin. Although the suspect's story varied slightly from victim to victim, he usually mentioned that he was a football coach working at a Catholic school. The Caucasian man, who is in his late 40s or early 50s, is about six-feet-three-inches tall and often carries a clipboard. The man is not affiliated with the YMCA. Police say witnesses should call them immediately at 666-9622.

Malicious Mischief: Feb. 11, Between 8 p.m. and 4:20 a.m., 3300 Block of Balboa Street
An unknown suspect(s) gained entry into a school and ransacked several classrooms. It is unknown what, if anything, was stolen in the break-in.