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Two Students Hit by Vehicles

Since school started at the end of August, several children have been hit by vehicles as they are dropped off before school or when they are being picked up after school.

On Sept. 26, a student was seriously injured while being picked up after school at Presidio Middle School.

According to Presidio Counseling Secretary Karen Miller, the student is back at school, albeit in a wheelchair after getting a broken leg in the incident. She said the student ran into the street in the middle of the block and was hit by a motorist.

"The student did not follow the rules," she said.

As well, a student was hit while being dropped off at George Washington High School on Oct. 11. After exiting the vehicle that had transported him to school, the student crossed the road, also in the middle of the block, and was hit by a passing motorist. The student was not badly injured and is back at school.

"It is very important to follow safety tips," said Washington Principal Ericka Lourin.

Lourin suggested parents safely drop off and pick up their children at a designated area a block or so away from the school to reduce congestion at the school and to make it safer for everyone.

Presidio put out a bulletin for parents giving them tips about safely transporting kids to and from school. It recommends: always have youth exit the vehicle on the curb side only, not in the middle of the road where traffic is; always have youth cross the street at intersections only, not in the middle of the block; avoid double parking; never make a U-turn in the middle of the block and do not park in front of residential driveways.

The school also recommends creating a car pool with other students to lessen the amount of vehicles coming to the school.