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MAY 2005


Police Blotter/Richmond Roundup/
Historical Photo

photo: Francis da Silva

Gunbae!: Cheers: Bartender Chellis Ying prepares a concoction with soju at the Rohan Lounge on Geary Boulevard. Soju is a traditional Korean liquor derived from the distillation of rice, barley and sweet potatoes.

Revelry at Clement Street Restaurant Riles Residents
Late-night partying at a neighborhood restaurant has residents and merchants on Clement Street abuzz.
The center of the controversy is the Russian Bear Restaurant, located on Clement Street near 11th Avenue.

Geary Bus Plan Gets First Public Review
A new bus system proposed for Geary Boulevard promises to improve service for riders on the Muni #38 bus line, but some residents and small-business owners remain skeptical.

Bridge to Host Film Festival
International Venue to Feature 15 Short Films
Dominated by hot blue stars, the Pleiades star cluster is 100 million years old - young for stars - and 400 light years away. The second annual International Pleiades Film Festival, which will be dominated by up-and-coming stars and directors, is much closer. The festival will be screened at the Bridge Theatre on May 15.

Ecology Walk Highlights Landscape in Transition
Just a short walk into the Presidio from the Arguello Boulevard gate is the Presidio Ecology Trail, currently a beautiful spring landscape.

Rohan Lounge Serves up Korean Specialty Drinks with Soju
As refreshing as a dip in Lake Tahoe in early spring and as awakening as a slap in the face, soju is a traditional Korean liquor that has been gaining popularity the last few years outside of its mother country, primarily in Asia (especially Japan) and the United States.


Capt. Sandra Tong: Police Beat

John M. Lee: Real Estate in Different Languages

Jake McGoldrick: Update on Youth Programs

Jennifer Sportsman: Rigolo Café

Jared Blumenfeld: World Environment Day 2005

Charles Phillips: Memories for Memorial Day

Assemblyman Leland Yee: Protecting the Farallon Islands