Blotter/Richmond Roundup/
Historical Photo/Letters
to the Editor

photo: Maureen McGettigan
The Doctor is in: Retired psychiatrist
Dr. Paul Lowinger poses in front of a portrait that he painted
of Bill Clinton. Lowinger took seven years to write his book,
"The Clintons Meet Freud, A Psychohistory of Bill, Hillary
and Chelsea."
Supes Move
to Restrict Access to Presidio Hospital
A battle that has been simmering for months
over a controversial housing project planned for the Presidio
boiled over in September after supervisors Jake McGoldrick and
Michela Alioto-Pier sponsored a resolution to close off the
entrances to the Presidio at 14th and 15th Avenues.
District 1
Candidates Busy Fighting for Votes
Richmond District electorate
to choose supervisor by ranked choice voting
With a few notable exceptions, a "meet
the candidates night" held in the Richmond District in
September resembled a love-in more than a rigorous debate on
the issues.
Makes a Stand for Keeping Fathers/Children United
Contending that family
laws, courts and regulatory polices often favor women in situations
where parents live separately, the American Coalition for Fathers
and Children (ACFC) seeks equality in resolving disputes over
Need $1 million for Lot Near Ansel Adams' House
A group of Sea Cliff neighbors won
a three-month reprieve from the SF Public Utilities Commission
(PUC) in their fight to acquire a parcel of land they want to
turn into a memorial for photographer Ansel Adams.
Renaissance woman a writer, photographer
Dianne Boate, truly a Renaissance
woman, bounds with creativity.
Artists to Open
Richmond District event Oct. 16, Oct. 17
October, artists from across the Richmond District will open
up their studios to exhibit and sell their creative endeavors.
Brown Pelicans
Traverse Coast for Food, Shelter
Flying in formation over Ocean Beach, Californian Brown Pelicans
make the journey north during the summer and fly south for
the winter. They are just following the food, explained Brown
Pelican expert Frank Gress, a University of California at
Davis biology professor.
Author Dissects Clintons,
Discovers Art Muse
After a career in medicine and psychiatry, Dr. Paul Lowinger
has found a larger canvas to work with. This is his time to
be an artist.
1 Supervisoral Candidates Speak to the Richmond:
Kozakiewicz: Get Dirty Campaign Tactics Out Of the Richmond
Sandra Tong: Police Beat
John M. Lee: When
is the Right Time to Sell?
Judith Kahn: San
Francisco's Midwinter Fair
Alexa Kielty:
Plastic lids - yes; diapers - no (SF Dept. of
Florence Kwo: Embracing
Cultural Roots
Assemblyman Leland
Yee: 39th Anniversary of Voting Rights Act