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August 2004


Police Blotter/Richmond Roundup/
Historical Photo

photo: Philip Liborio Gangi

Surf's Up: Bob Wise is a long-time surfer has operated a surfing
supply business in the west side of the City since 1968

Mutiny on Park Board, Rossi to Get Funds
Five members of a bond oversight committee tendered their resignations in July, saying the SF Recreation and Park Department shut the public out of its decision-making process when it chose 10 capital projects, including Rossi Playground, for funding without public input.

District's Top Cop Says Traffic #1 Concern
Residents attending a police forum at the Richmond Recreation Center in July learned that traffic safety, not assault or robbery, is the number one concern of the district's top cop. At a July 20 community meeting, Capt. Sandra Tong told the 20 or so neighbors who attended the session that her top priority is traffic safety.

San Francisco's Grimy Side Exposed
Murder, graft and prostitution explored in unique city tour
One of the greatest unsolved serial killings of all time took place in the Presidio Heights, in 1969, when the infamous Zodiac killer arrived at the corner of Washington and Cherry streets and executed a waiting cab driver. 

Surfer Rides the Waves of Change at Ocean Beach
It is believed that southern California has the best surfing, but for his dollar, Bob Wise, of San Francisco's Wise Surf Shop, feels surfing in San Francisco ranks just as high. He's seen it all, from surfing as a kid during the '60s, to making surfboards in the '70s, to owning the Wise Surf Shop today. He's surfed almost every break, heard every story and met just about everyone seriously involved in San Francisco's surfing scene.

Learning Institute Offers Classes in Richmond
New program to start at JCC in August
A new learning program for students 50 years of age and older is coming to the Richmond District. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), a branch of the College of Extended Learning at San Francisco State University, offers a variety of classes to aging baby boomers, under the motto of "insightful learning for ageless minds."

Presidio Firehouse Has Distinguished Record


Capt. Sandra Tong: Police Beat

Supervisor Jake McGoldrick: Budget Passed with Little Pain

John M. Lee: The Future of Real Estate

Assemblyman Leland Yee: Celebrate ADA's Anniversary

Lia Manfredi Wu: A Fresh Start for School Success

Arthur Abramson: Seniors Hurt by Policy Lapses