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November 2003



Photo by Maureen McGettigan

Celebrating Flight: John Kahn and Tom McAllister fly their 40-foot-long Cat Kites at the
Celebration of Flight Fetival, held at Crissy Field in the Presidio Oct. 18.


Police Blotter/Richmond Roundup/Letters to the Editor/Historical Photo

Hospital Plans Released, Neighbors Want Mitigation Measures
After months of suspense, two developers competing for the right to turn the historic Public Health Service Hospital (PHSH) in the Presidio into residential housing unveiled proposals that had many features in common.

Residents Testify for Renaming Library after Sen. Milton Marks
San Francisco community members representing the Richmond District testified on a proposal to rename the Richmond Branch Library in honor of the late Sen. Milton Marks at Town Hall Meeting held at the Richmond Community Center. The meeting was hosted by SF Supervisor Jake McGoldrick, District 1 supervisor.

City Boards Approve Lease for GG Park Garage
Plans for building a parking garage underneath the Music Concourse in Golden Gate Park took a big step forward when a ground lease for the project won the approval of two key city boards.

Ballot Initiatives Sorted Out at Forum
A forum hosted by the Sunset Parkside Education and Action Committee (SPEAK) in the Sunset District gave city residents an overview of the 14 propositions that will appear on the Nov. 4 general election ballot.

City's Proposed Housing Plan Comes Under Fire
Sunset District residents were among the more than 100 speakers at a SF Planning Commission meeting on a controversial citywide Housing Element plan. The plan would increase housing density while easing minimum restrictions for parking spaces inside residential buildings.

Task Force Puts the Kibosh on Defective Housing
A suspected crack house, a dilapidated building with garbage piling up, a landlord who fails to provide heat, repairs or a smoke detector - if these situations exist, whom do you call and what can be done?

Snubbed Candidates Fight to Get Message Out
Three mayoral candidates have been criss-crossing the City stumping for votes, despite being treated as fringe candidates who do not have a chance of winning the Nov. 4 election. Candidates Roger Schulke, Jim Reid and Michael Denny have been trying to get media coverage and inclusion into many of the city's debates and political forums.

New Cameras Set to Catch Red-light Runners on Park Presidio
Three Park Presidio Boulevard intersections will be monitored by traffic cameras to catch red-light runners as the SF Department of Parking and Traffic (DPT) continues to combat San Francisco's higher-than-usual pedestrian fatality rate.

Crissy Field Festival a Celebration of Flight

Richmond Residents Sought for Geary Transit-corridor Study


Jared Blumenfeld: A Challenge for Richmond District Residents

Paul Kozakiewicz: Give Them An Inch - They'll Take a Mile

Capt. Sandra Tong: Police Beat

Supervisor Jake McGoldrick: We Must Protect our Civil Liberties

John M. Lee: Real Estate and the 'Net'

Assemblyman Leland Yee: Identity Theft - the Fight Starts Locally