Police Blotter
Neighbors Have Problems with V.A.
Research Center
Once again politics is about to become
a contact sport in San Francisco as Richmond neighbors, angry over what
they say is the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) willingness
to ignore public process requirements, will soon present the VA with
a list of demands.
Merchants Warned to be on
the Lookout for Extortionists
With the kick-off of the
"Year of the Ram," the lunar new year, police and safety advocates
are warning about the possibility of extortion from gang associates
and urging merchants to report suspicious activity.
Programs, Staff on Rec.
and Park's Chopping Block
Up against an $11 million budget
shortfall, officials at the SF Recreation and Park Department are asking
Richmond and Sunset district residents to help them make tough budget
decisions that could mean closing facilities and cutting staff positions.
Native Plants Flourishing at
HANC Recycling Center
The Haight Ashbury Neighborhood
Council Recycling Center (HANC), located at Frederick Street and Arguello
Boulevard on the southern boundary of Golden Gate Park, has completed
an extensive expansion of its native plant garden.
Neighbors Say Golden Gate Park
Garage EIR Flawed
In January dozens of Sunset and Richmond
district residents told the S.F. Planning Commission that the Environment
Impact Report (EIR) for a controversial plan to build a parking garage
beneath the Music Concourse in Golden Gate Park is deeply flawed and
ignores problems that will negatively impact their neighborhoods.
New Food Pantry to Open
new food pantry to serve hungry residents in the Richmond District is
opening on Geary Boulevard.
Community College Cutbacks
Gray Davis has announced a new budget proposal that includes $217 million
in reductions for the state�s community colleges. The SF Community College
system stands to lose $13 million in funding over the next 18 months.
Cliff House to Remain Open
During Historic Renovation
At the groundbreaking ceremony
Jan. 23, a new chapter began for the Cliff House as the historic restaurant
enters its fourth incarnation.
ChoiceCare Offers Options
for Live-in Seniors
By the year 2030 the population of
people over the age of 65 will be about 69.4 million - one out of every
six people.
Supervisor Jake McGoldrick:
Changes in the City, District 1
Capt. Sandra Tong: Police
John M. Lee: Real Estate
Economic Forecast
Rev. John Anderson:
The Hunger Consequences of a War with Iraq