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August 2002

Police Blotter/Richmond Roundup/Letters to the Editor

Youth attacked outside Internet cafe
A 17-year-old boy was beaten on Geary Boulevard around midnight June 9 in an attack he claims was racially motivated. A group of young Chinese men who were loitering outside the Internet cafe Cyber Hunt kicked the Caucasian boy in the head, knocking him unconscious, according to his mother, Elta Anderson.

Lab tests show anthrax scare fueled by starch
Extensive testing has concluded the powdered-filled envelopes found in the mailboxes of Richmond and Sunset district homes in late June were non-toxic. Testing revealed that the 12 envelopes, a majority of them left in the Richmond District, did not contain anthrax but a harmless starch, according to Richard Lee, senior industrial hygienist for the SF Department of Public Health.

Rec. and Park Plan Reworked due to Budget Cutbacks
Residents attending a July 22 workshop, hosted by the SF Recreation and Park Department for Districts 1, 4 and 7, were surprised to learn that a revised plan to rebuild the city�s aging recreational facilities and renovate playgrounds and clubhouses was put on hold, in some instances, for years.

Scientists See Drop in Whale Strandings
Stranding rates for Gray Whales, which pass north and south along the coast each year, are down again, but Gray Whale population estimates suggest that the gentle giant�s numbers are on the decline.

Rare Algae Bloom Kills Hundreds of Fish at Spreckels Lake
Workers at Golden Gate Park responsible for maintenance at Spreckels Lake, a large pond in the northwestern section of the park, became alarmed in late June when hundreds of fish began washing up dead on the shoreline. �The fish were gasping for air,� said Chris Daquiozg, a gardener who works at the lake.

Lincoln Highway gets new marker at Lincoln Park

Geary Merchants' bestow honors

Shakespeare in the Park celebrates 20th Anniversary


Capt. Marsha Ashe: Police Beat

Supervisor Jake McGoldrick: Planning for the Future

Ginny Kolmar: Presidio Cafe

John M. Lee: Impact of the Internet on Real Estate

Damien Raffa: A Brief History of the Presidio

Leah Shahum: Input Needed to Improve Golden Gate Park

Ina Shlez: Cut Pollution and 'Spare the Air'