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Sunset Beacon
July 2014

Note: For additional stories about the west side of San Francisco, see the new issue of the Richmond Review.

Sunset Spotlight/Police Blotter

CVS Gets OK for 19th Ave. and Ortega St. Location
More than a year of fighting over whether a CVS Pharmacy should move into a large empty building at the corner of 19th Avenue and Ortega Street came to an end at a recent Planning Commission hearing when the proposal was approved after the SF Planning Department staff reversed its previous position and recommended approval.

New Program for Seniors: Eating Out
Low cost or even free meals for people over 60 are easier to get now in the Sunset District, thanks to a new program that includes a city department, private restaurant and social service organization.

Nature in the City Works to Restore Habitat for Butterflies
On a typically overcast summer morning in the Sunset, Amber Hasselbring, executive director of Nature in the City, led a group of volunteers in an effort to halt the decline of San Francisco's Green Hairstreak Butterfly population.


John M. Lee: Real Estate

Supervisor Katy Tang: City Hall

Capt. Curtis Lum: Police Beat

Drew McKnight: Family House is Moving