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Sunset Beacon
January 2014

Note: For additional stories about the west side of San Francisco, see the new issue of the Richmond Review.

Sunset Spotlight/Police Blotter/Letters to the Editor

Rising Inner Sunset Rents Could Portend Changes
The Inner Sunset District was a broad mix of social classes 20 years ago, with residents that included police officers and firefighters, teachers and librarians, doctors and well-off folks living on top of the hill.

AT&T Antennae OK'd Despite Opposition
AT&T continues its march into 21st-century technology for the Sunset District, as six cell-phone service radio antennae are planned for installation on top of an 11-unit apartment building, despite strong neighborhood opposition.

Real Estate Agent Tempted by Fashion World Muse
Amid the fog-filled merchant corridor of Taraval Street, there can be hidden some great aspirations and ambitions, something Realtor David Klein knows well.


John M. Lee: Real Estate Year in Review

Capt. Curtis Lum: Police Beat

Supervisor Katy Tang: New Program, Workshop

Assemblymember Phil Ting: The Future of Education

California Sen. Leland Yee: New Laws for New Year