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Sunset Beacon
November 2013

Note: For additional stories about the west side of San Francisco, see the new issue of the Richmond Review.

Sunset Spotlight/Police Blotter

Write-in Candidate for District 4 Supervisor has Tough Row to Hoe
Some might think that District 4 Supervisor Katy Tang faces no opposition in legitimizing her appointed seat with an actual election victory on Nov. 5.

Sunset Transit Improvements Coming
San Francisco County authorities are considering numerous projects for traffic-calming and pedestrian safety in the Sunset District, particularly along 19th Avenue, and either planning or building more traffic signals along Sunset Boulevard.

Survey Shows GG Heights Park's Needs
The Golden Gate Heights Neighborhood Association (GGHNA) has been conducting a survey to determine what most residents think about the neighborhood Golden Gate Heights Park, located near Pacheco Street and Funston Avenue.

Major Overhaul Proposed for Inner Sunset District Building
The owner of a building at 1126 Irving St. plans to expand it from a house with a ground-level garage space, two floors and an attic, into a four-story structure with commercial space on the ground floor and residential units above.

Craftswoman Finds Niche Creating Hand-made Items
For as long as she can remember, Audrey Jung has enjoyed working with her hands. As a girl, she designed and made dresses for her dolls. As an adult, she developed a career as a dental hygienist. And now, after a long career in the oral health business, Jung has begun a new chapter in her life. She has turned an interest in modern design and arts and crafts into AudreyModern, an online store where she sells her hand-made wool felt handbags, catch-all bowls and other accessories.


John M. Lee: Real Estate

Capt. Curtis Lum: Police Beat

Supervisor Katy Tang: City Hall