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Sunset Beacon
March 2013

Note: For additional stories about the west side of San Francisco, see the new issue of the Richmond Review.

Sunset Spotlight/Police Blotter

Asian-American Basketball Player Star of Film
For filmmaker Evan Jackson Leong, nothing feels more like home than San Francisco's Richmond District. The director of the new film "Linsanity," which chronicles the rise of National Basketball Association (NBA) star Jeremy Lin, prides himself on his status as a sixth generation San Franciscan.

Proposed Crestmont Drive Plan Draws Critics Calling for Less Units
A property owner hoping to build 34 units of housing at one of the last undeveloped properties on Mt. Sutro's Crestmont Drive presented his plan to planning officials recently, but some people were there to argue a point that the developer will not negotiate.

Diverse Ideas Offered for Streetcar Terminus
Local citizens have taken the initiative in revamping and revitalizing the turnaround area at the end of the Muni N-Judah streetcar line by releasing a wish list of ideas and proposals to fix up the intersection of Judah Street and La Playa.

Mayor Names Chu Assessor; Tang Supervisor
San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee named District 4 Supervisor Carmen Chu to the city's tax assessor post in early February to replace Phil Ting, who won a California Assembly seat in the November election. She was sworn in on Feb. 27.

Capt. Curtis Lum: Police Beat

Assemblyman Phil Ting: Free Income Tax Assistance

John M. Lee: Preparing for Spring Market