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Sunset Beacon
September 2012

Note: For additional stories about the west side of San Francisco, see the new issue of the Richmond Review.

Police Blotter/Sunset Spotlight

After Journey: Sunset Film Fan Comes Home
Phil Gorn, resident of the Sunset District and owner of Wonderphil Productions, has been intimately involved with movies since the age of 13. His father was the owner of the Parkside Theater from 1976 until 1978, which was located on Taraval Street and 19th Avenue.

$100,000 Raised to Construct Hidden Garden Steps on 16th Ave.
With $100,000 cash in the bank, supporters of a plan to install a tiled mural up the entire 148-step length of a stairway running on 16th Avenue between Kirkham and Lawton streets held a kick-off party at the Crepevine on Irving Street Sept. 4.

Filmmaker's Latest Story Still Playing-out in Maldives
When documentary film director Jon Shenk decides he needs to tell a story, it's always character driven, taking the same approach as many narrative feature film directors - only Shenk doesn't have a script, which is like working without a net.

Annual Butterfly Count Shows Health of Small Insects
After a delay due to foggy weather, lepidopterists scoured the City one day in July to see what butterflies they could see here in the city named after animal lover Saint Francis of Assisi.


John M. Lee: Real Estate

Capt. Curtis Lum: Police Beat

Supervisor Carmen Chu: City Hall