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Sunset Beacon
May 2006

Sunset Spotlight/Police Blotter

Sunset Sewer Project Moves Forward

The next phase of construction on the Vicente Street Sewer System Improvement Project is scheduled to begin in early May.
The project is an effort to halt flooding in the Outer Sunset District. The streets that will be affected include Vicente Street, from 26th to 32nd avenues, and Ulloa Street, from the Upper Great Highway to 46th Avenue.

Sunset Learning Center Works to Enrich Students

Michael Farmer, once a market researcher in the health care industry in Asia, is now channeling all his energy and life savings into the development of the Sunset Learning Center to enrich the lives of San Francisco students.

Editor's Note: For more westside stories and columnists, including some that ran in the May issue of the Sunset Beacon, see the current issue of the Richmond Review.