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Sunset Beacon
July 2006

Sunset Spotlight/Police Blotter

SHARP Votes to Alter Plan, Sell Lot

The Sunset Heights Association of Responsible People (SHARP) voted 20-2 at its June 27 meeting to sell one of the two lots it owns in the 1700 block of Ninth Avenue to raise money to build senior housing.

Keeping Chinese Tradition Alive

Most people cringe at the thought of rainy days, but Lina Yang is determined to prove rain is the essence of an optimistic and enthusiastic outlook on life.

Sunset Musician's Fiery Desire to Follow His Life-long Dream

Sunset District resident Itzhak Volansky, a singer and songwriter, shares the sentiments of many who call San Francisco home, that there is an inner feeling that calls out to the world; an urge to pursue possibilities.

'Journeyman Dieter' Shares Adventures in New Book

One day, when Johnny T. Flynn was 8 years old, he grabbed two handfuls of cookies from the table - in one hand chocolate, in the other lemon - and went quickly to his room to hide his newly acquired treasures.


Fiona Ma: Protecting Our Children

John M. Lee: Mid-Year Real Estate Update

Megan Agee: Survey - Need for More Services

Jaynry Mak: Update on Outer Sunset Merchants