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Sunset Beacon
August 2005


Sunset Spotlight

Home Break-ins Slow in Sunset, Suspects at Large
A series of break-ins that had been targeting homes in the city's Sunset and Richmond districts have dissipated and spread to other neighborhoods after reaching "epidemic proportions" in the spring of 2005.

Parkside Celebrates 100th Anniversary
The Parkside District officially celebrated its 100th anniversary July 9. To mark the occasion, volunteers from Hands on Bay Area and the Western Neighborhoods Project celebrated the Parkside's centennial by delivering history booklets to residents' doorsteps.

New Gas Mains Going in on Taraval St.
Beginning in August, a project aimed at replacing gas mains and relocating overhead utilities underground will be affecting residents on the west end of Taraval Street and the Great Highway.

New Central Freeway Connector Gets Ready to Open
The new Octavia Boulevard is currently scheduled to open Sept. 9, said Jose Luis Moscovich, executive director of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority.

Community Activist Passes Away
Active Sunset District community member Tess Manalo-Ventresca passed away July 11 at age 61 from complications after heart surgery.

Lake Merced Trail Plan Aired
The SF Recreation and Park Department held a community meeting July 14 to solicit opinions on plans for the proposed enhancement of trails around Lake Merced.

Sunset's Secret Garden Serves Tea the Old-fashioned Way
With no promotional efforts, aside from word of mouth recommendations, the Secret Garden Tea House has remained a quiet alcove on Lincoln Way, between Eighth and Ninth avenues, for the past two years. Business has been picking up, though. With very few similar tea houses in the Bay Area, competition for patronage is scarce.

New Play to Honor People Who Make Center Go
Some people think of heaven as a far off place. Yet for someone like activities coordinator Ron Jones, heaven is right off Skyline Boulevard, at the Janet Pomeroy Center.


John M. Lee: Checking the State of Real Estate

Supervisor Fiona Ma: Welcoming Youth to Our City

Assemblyman Leland Yee: Avenue Bill Clears Hurdle