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Sunset Beacon
October 2004


Sunset Spotlight/Police Blotter/
Letters to the Editor/Historical Photo

photo: Philip Liborio Gangi

Alvin Azadkhanian (left) and his 17-year-old son, Hovik, show freshly-grown coffee beans.
Alvin's Scrumptious Coffee has been roasting coffee in the Sunset District for the past 29 years.

"Animal House" Disrupts Life on 36th Ave.
Shortly after the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity rented a house on 36th Avenue in the Sunset District, all-night keg parties started - parties neighbors say have made their lives a living hell.

Police Arrest Sexual Assault Suspect
Police arrested a man they believe is responsible for exposing himself to more than 40 women, mostly in the Richmond and Sunset districts of San Francisco, during the past two years.

Coalition Makes a Stand for Keeping Fathers/Children United
Contending that family laws, courts and regulatory polices often favor women in situations where parents live separately, the American Coalition for Fathers and Children (ACFC) seeks equality in resolving disputes over children.

New Musical Revue Debuts
Local Artists Come Together to Create Unique Event
San Francisco and its landmarks have been the subject of countless songs, but the Sunset District took center stage in a musical production held Oct. 1 at the Sunset Community Center.

Alvin's Brewing Scrumptious Coffee on Irving St. for 29 Years
That library next door probably does not have more knowledge about coffee than coffee connoisseur Alvin Azadkhanian, who started roasting coffee at Alvin's Scrumptious Coffee almost a half century ago while at his mother's side. He hasn't stopped since.

Sunset Artists to Open Studios
On Saturday, Oct. 16 and Sunday, Oct. 17, artists from across the Sunset District will open up their studios from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. to exhibit and sell their creative endeavors.


Paul Kozakiewicz: Get Dirty Campaign Tactics Out Of the Richmond

John M. Lee: When is the Right Time to Sell?

Capt. Keith Sanford: Police Beat

Supervisor Fiona Ma: Fighting Domestic Violence

Assemblyman Leland Yee: 39th Anniversary of Voting Rights Act