Sunset Spotlight/Police
Blotter/Historical Photo

photo: Philip Liborio Gangi
Straight Chillin': Michelle Wu (center, right),
Project Coordinator of Community Youth Center's Employment Training
Program, works with youth on the first day of orientation.
From left to right are Jacky Chan, Cruise Banh, Wu and Spencer Hui.
Over New Housing Policy Heats Up
Supervisor resurrects plan to legalize 'in-law' units
In a city where land-use fights are a blood sport, the battle over San
Francisco's skyline is expected to heat-up over the summer when the
SF Board of Supervisors considers new guidelines for residential development
and legislation to promote the building of secondary units.
Mental Health Clinic Gets Reprieve
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, responding to pressure from the public,
has agreed to restore funding to a popular mental health clinic in the
Sunset District that was slated to close due to budget cuts.
Say More Help Needed at GG Park
Golden Gate Park, upon close inspection, seems to be fading away and
those who tend to its care want the public to know the park needs help.
As gardeners in the park for more than 25 years, Joan Vellutini and
Doug Martino provided a short tour while pointing out neglect at the
136-year-old park.
Youth Center Provides Diverse Array of Services
empower young people to reach their highest potential as individuals
and to develop a positive self/cultural identity."
This is the mission statement of the Community Youth Center (CYC), created
in 1970 to serve Asian youth and parents at risk. Many of the famililies
served at CYC have immigrated from Southern Canton and Hong Kong.
Artists Spin Clay the Old-fashioned
Way at Pottery 7
Inspired by an age-old craft, the artists at Pottery 7 have been serving
the community with their talents for the past 24 years. Artists Ruth
Strassner, Pat MacDonald, Marge Fraenkel, Cecilia von Hungen, Lee Dwyer,
Denis Rauchman and Ellen Reller form the cooperative.
Pantry Project Grows from Modest Beginnings
Many low-income residents struggle to cover
basic expenses, such as food, rent, utilities and medical care, but
the Sunset-Parkside Food Pantry gives them one less thing to worry about.
New State, Federal Effort
to Control Beach Erosion
Collaborative efforts, led by the California Resources Agency and the
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, are underway to develop a California Coastal
Sediment Management Master Plan.
Stern Grove
Festival Kicks Off June 13
Capt. Keith Sanford: Police
M. Lee: Methods of Conflict Resolution
Leland Yee: Fighting Human Trafficking
Supervisor Fiona Ma: Opportunity
and Job Creation
Lia Manfredi Wu: Staying
on Track this Summer
Karin Avila: Recycling
Barrage of Batteries