Photo: Francis Da Silva
Painting the Sunset: Artist Judi Gorski is pictured
with her dog Hunter in front of a Precita Eyes mural at Ortega Street
and 40th Avenue which she helped paint, and then restore, as a volunteer
community artist. See story below.
Sunset Spotlight/Police
Blotter/Historical Photo
Sunset Starbucks Gets Shot
The SF Planning Commission voted 5 - 2 to halt the Starbucks coffee
company's plan to open a store at 3906 Judah St., near 44th Avenue.
The Discretionary Review vote to deny Starbucks' opening came after
six months of lobbying by residents, merchants and neighborhood groups.
Artists Beautifying 16th Avenue Steps
The 16th Avenue stairway in Golden Gate Heights
starts at the intersection of 16th Avenue and Moraga Street and climbs
a steep hill to Grandview Park.
says Proposal to Cut Back Central Fwy. Faces Obstacles
A report released in December by the San Francisco Transportation Authority
(SFTA) concluded that moving the Central Freeway back to Bryant Street
would trigger major traffic challenges, delay the project by as much
as six years, double its cost, and trigger legal and regulatory issues.
Health Hospital Plan Draws Fire
More than 100 Richmond neighbors braved wet weather in December to testify
against competing plans to renovate the Public Health Service Hospital
in the Presidio, citing the size of project, traffic gridlock and safety
as top concerns.
Efforts Underway to Save California Quail
Renewed restoration efforts are underway across
the City to protect and perpetuate the endangered California Quail (Callipepla
Californica), the official San Francisco and state bird.
Parking Restricted at East End of Golden Gate Park
Tight budgets and new priorities are turning many free parking spots
in Golden Gate Park into a thing of the past. Beginning the second week
in January, commuters that have parked for free along some of the park's
major roadways will face stiff fines if they ignore new three- and four-hour
time limits.
Creative Muse Stems from Ocean Beach Views
rolling ocean waves and sand dunes outside Judi Gorski's three-story
home seems all the inspiration one needs to paint. Gorski,
a Sunset District artist, smiles as she talks about her gallery/home
and her hitchhiking trip, which landed her in San Francisco.
Capt. Keith Sanford:
Police Beat
Supervisor Fiona
Ma: Neighborhood Happenings
John M. Lee: Sunset Real
Estate Year in Review
Gahin: Your Ticket to Saving $100s a Year
Yee: January is 'Mental Wellness' Month