Photo: Philip Liborio Gangi
Sunset Youth Services Celebrates: David Wright
hands Artina Lim a certificate of appreciation at Sunset Youth Services
open house Nov. 15 at its new location, 3918 Judah St. There were refreshments,
rap music, poetry and awards given out. Sunset Youth Services started
10 years ago and serves youth and their families with outreach programs,
a youth drop-in center and
literacy, art and techology programs.
Sunset Spotlight/Police
Blotter/Letter to the Editor
New Community Court in
the Works
Is the quality of life in the Sunset District deteriorating? Ryan Sheets
believes it is and he wants to do something about it.
Public Hears Ortega
Library Rebuild Plans
San Francisco Public Library officials hosted a second public meeting
in November to discuss in more detail a proposal to build a new Ortega
Branch Library.
Lake Merced Restoration
On Track
Tension brewed thick as Guinness beer before a meeting at the United
Irish Cultural Center where 40 people listened to the current proposal
on the Lake Merced Replenishment Project presented by the SF Public
Utility Commission (PUC).
Service puts Strict Limits on Bonfires
Starting in January, the public's ability to enjoy bonfires at Ocean
Beach will be limited to a small stretch of sand between Lincoln Way
and Fulton Street.
Film Crew Scrambles
in Sunset to Make Film in 48 Hours
A film crew has 48 hours to produce an award-caliber movie. There are
several mad scrambles to move, set up and break down sets at different
shooting locations. A typical day in Holly-wood? Probably. Two days
in the life of a Sunset District residence? Definitely.
OK Plan for Underground Garage in Park
In November, the S.F. Board of Supervisors put its seal of approval
on a controversial plan to build a $50 million, 800-space parking garage
underneath the Music Concourse in Golden Gate Park.
Element Needs Work, Critics Claim
More than 100 people attended a meeting at St. Brendan's Parish Hall
Nov. 19 to discuss the city's Housing Element, now being deliberated
upon by the SF Planning Commission.
DA Candidates Slug it Out at PAR Forum
Accusations flew and tempers flared as district attorney and mayoral
hopefuls stated their views to members of the Planning Association for
the Richmond (PAR) at a meeting Nov. 12.
Groups Tour Ocean Beach Treatment Plant
In the hope of making San Francisco residents more aware of the city's
effort to clean wastewater before it enters the ocean, the SF Public
Utilities Commission (PUC) has organized tours of the Oceanside Treatment
Plant and Southeast Treatment Plant for San Francisco students.
for Library Shot Down; City to Reapply for Grant
Capt. Ketih Sanford:
Police Beat
Supervisor Fiona
Ma: As You Shall Sow, So Shall You Reap
M. Lee: Housing - Newsom v. Gonzalez
Yee: Holiday Safety Begins at Home
Peg Wallace: Villa